Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Read and go ask some questions!

This last week has really taken me for a ride within the farm markets as well as at the grocery store. A journey down a path that I did not see coming. While at a local farm market I was told they were selling BT Corn. I was not sure what that was so I passed on getting some. However, when I got home I did the google thing and googled BT corn. HMMM

As I read about BT Corn and other GMO's I was shocked at what I was reading. I then did a youtube search on them. Even more interesting. I soon realized that most of the food we get at the grocery store from brands we know,love and trust contain GMO's. Let me explain to you how that particular day went for me.

Once I got home and did some searching on the Internet. The definition of GMO'S :

A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species. Some GMOs contain no DNA from other species and are therefore not transgenic but cisgenic

So the plants in the USA that are GMO'S include Soybeans, sugar beets, BT corn and cotton. What these crops are is a plant who is round up ready (A pesticide) These plants actually have the pesticide chemical within it's DNA! That's right.... We are eating the chemical.

We all know that industrial farming has taken over our country. So have GMO crops. 90% of soybean crops in the USA are GMO. Almost 70% of corn is now BT corn. Sugar is right up there as well.

As a consumer we are not told that GMO's are in our food. There is currently no law to label a product as containing GMO'S. The FDA has said it is safe to eat. However the list of scientist who think other wise is rather large. The animals in test labs did not do so well. Keep in mind that very little was done in studies before it was put onto the market place. Many countries will not allow GMO'S to be sold or grown.

Once these crops are grown they take over fields like a storm. They even have the ability to change a regular stalk of corns DNA in BT Corn! That's right... A couple row's of BT corn will change the genetic make up of an entire field.

After looking into this I pulled all by food from my cupboards. I began to call the phone number listed on the box or can. To my dismay all of the big brands including Kellogg's, Quaker, Campbell's, bettycrocker, green giant corn, etc all contain GMO within the ingredient list :( Every company said close to the same thing. The FDA has approved GMO's or that they can't guarantee that GMO's aren't in their products because it's not the law to know what the farmer's are growing.

So at this point I believe that each person should know what your eating. Even if it's coming from a brand you grew up with. Chances are that it's not what it use to be. Do your own research and see what the scientist are saying. Knowledge is everything...including your health!

Since GMO's were put on the market in 1996 Autism has gone up 556%, The honey bee's have begun to disappear (GMO pollen is deadly to our planets pollinators), The monarch butterflies are disappearing, Cholesterol and diabetes has risen, obesity is at high levels,etc.

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