Wednesday, July 15, 2009

About the mission

As I sit back and reflect on the food choices I have made for myself and my family over the past 5yrs I start to question myself. Although I stay away from the hustle of the fast food industry and try to limit the JUNK FOOD isle while at the market there are still questions I have. From the unknown items listed in the ingredients of packaged foods my family loves. To the biggest question of them all.....Where did this food really come from. It says packaged by.....but who's farm did it come from??? It looks pretty and even healthy with all the natural looking pictures on the package. However I really don't know where it originated from.

I also can't help but wonder how long ago were these fruits/vegetables picked? Who picked them and was it far from ripe?? How many miles did they travel before they ended up in my kitchen??

Summer of 2009 I will go to local farm markets and talk to the farmers. I will learn not only where the food came from but what their story may be (both farmer and food). Do they use pesticides and what do they feed their animals?? I hope to have all my unanswered question answered and an amazing variety of foods available for myself and my family.

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